Summer sunrise.
and here is the other end of the day.
In the middle of the month we took a trip to one of our favorite beaches, Mount Maunganui. As with most North Island mountains, Mt. Maunganui is an extinct volcano. It is 232m high and Volodya loves to run up it! Walking it is good enough for me.
While setting up our campsite, We saw a lot of kids, in their lifesaving gear, going down to the beach. We had arrived just in time to watch a lifesaving meet! Really cool!
After watching the kids for a while, our own surfers (boogie boarders) took to the waves!
A true kiwi girl!
and the proud papa!
Meanwhile, back at the campsite... a guest. An imported bird - the sparrow.
Home-sweet-tent. Lydia and Ethan had their own small pup tent, while the kiddos and V and I had the big one.
When we got home Volodya removed the flower from one of our banana trees. Once the flower is removed the rest of the bananas grow bigger.
S & J's school - all the year 5's (equivalent to 3rd grade) went on a field trip to a local outdoor education camp. S & J's classes went on the same day, so I saw both kids, but spent the day with J's class. They rode horses, did a water/rope course and went on a gi-normous flying fox (zip line?) As you can see, J was
very enthusiastic! There was no way he was getting on that horse's back! So eventually I just picked him up and put him on!!! He lived!
and got back on a horse to do acrobatics!!!
The water course. They loved to fall in!
There was no way
I was going on it! Way to big, the ground was way to far away!!!!!