Our friends, the Ring-Necked Or Barbary Dove (Scientific name: Streptopelia). We have a flock of these and more images to come!

This is the typical early morning in the summer. Most days the fog burns off. Summer days warm up to 23C (73F), though it can get into the high 20's (mid-80's).

And here is a typical summer evening. The average summer night gets down to 15C (57F), so sleeping is lovely.

To start the new year in New Zealand, we went to
Te Aroha for a tramp. I did not go, as my knee has decided to not like working! (working on getting it back into shape - for future tramps)
The name Te Aroha comes from the Māori name of Mount Te Aroha. In one version, Rāhiri, the mythical ancestor of Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu, climbed the mountain and saw his homeland in the distance and felt a sense of love (aroha) for it. The name is often rendered in English as "place of love".
Sonic boy!

Lydia and Ethan. Is he trying to look like..?

The fearless leader.

The track from Te Aroha Domain to the summit is 3.9k (2.4 miles). It took them 6+ hours, round trip, and is extremely steep! I had hoped to meet them at the top, there is a auto road to the top, but it was closed for repairs.
One of many rest stops.

Are we there yet? We're dying!
We made it!!!
The actual top.

The intrepid crew!

Going down!!!

A well deserve rest back at the campsite.

Happy New Year!