Wednesday, August 18, 2010

March 2010, mostly two sunsets

It seems that in March we were exhausted! These are all the picture I have for the month of March!!! I do remember feeling, "can't we just stay home this weekend?". So, I guess we did. Following are pictures of one sunset from our house. After that are pictures of another sunset at the local reserve (park, to you Americans). Enjoy!

Looking North West

Looking South East

Back to NorthWest

These are at the local reserve. During the summer, on work nights, Volodya would get us all out to walk and see the sunsets. They all were spectacular! The days would be quite warm, but to walk in the park required our "jumpers" (sweaters).

The follow two shots are of the fantail. An amazing, small bird. They are bug eaters and love to follow people as they walk, because people disturb the bugs and the fantails get a feast! Every movement of this bird is accompanied by a flair-ing of the tail. It is really quite something to watch!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

February 2010, with humans!

First day of school, and of course it is a day to wear the formal uniform!

J & S's first day of school. Also in uniforms for the first time!

Here is the expression of our true feelings about the uniform "thing"!

Volodya is in heaven here! Fajoia grows in our back yard!!! This is a fruit that grows in his home town of Sochi, and he missed in because it is virtually unknown in the US.

Cut from the banana trees that grow in the bottom garden.

The view of the house, from the banana trees. (!) Just a bit steep!
J & S playing in the driveway. Remember, all you northern hemisphere people, this is February!!!

February 2010, Scenery

Well, OK. I meant clouds! It's all Lydia's fault. She is obsessed with clouds and has turned us all to them!

(cloud 9)